Team Coaching
Coaching stance
My coaching stance in team coaching is basically the same as in coaching one-to-one. As a team coach I am not a facilitator, nor a tradesman with a heavy toolbox. I am primarily a coach who believes that teams members are creative and resourceful and that they know what is best for them. It is up to me to support, show interest, be curious, inform nudge, confront and dig deeper. I trust the process and rely on what the team brings to the table during the sessions. Basically, I partner with a team to work on their collective leadership skills and thus performance.
To coach larger teams or teams with complex challenges I have joined forces with Greet Aernoudt. We operate under the brand name FRICTION. Friction is a team approach centred around systemic coaching & constellations. It aims at bringing teams to a higher level. Teams discover in a safe environment what the underlying patterns and dynamics are and they experience having courageous conversations. We meet the team where they are, without judgement but with compassionate distance. The focus is entirely on the story the team tells – fiction – and the debate that reframing requires – friction. The sessions aim at insight, experiencing, exploring new avenues, finding focus and anchoring that in concrete action plans.
Teams drive an organisation and yet we see lots of them struggle. Using constellations Friction helps teams gain insight in what is blocking their progress in order to regain their vitality.
To give body to our brand Friction and to make it easier for you to identify with the work we do Greet and I have written up four cases and the concepts we developed around them. You can read the cases on these landing pages:
What can you expect from me?
- As team coach I quickly cotton on to your business challenges and I speak your language.
- The focus during the sessions is not on the quality of individuals, the focus is on the quality of relationships.
- We see and hear the team dynamics without getting entangled and we help the team discover and rewrite patterns that aren’t particularly helpful.
- The team is empowered to bridge the gap between where they are now and where their stakeholders might want them to be.
- The teams stands in its authority and leaves with a concrete action plan.